Thursday, September 29, 2011


Ok, if you are not currently on Pinterest, and you are looking for something else to suck up hours of your time, Pinterest is for you!  I seriously can't get enough of it!  It's a website where you can "pin" things you find on websites that you like to save for later.  You create different "boards" to categorize things.  It's wonderful, and can (and most likely will) take up a ton of your time!  And you can "follow" people that you know to see things that they pin, or can also check out things that random strangers pin!  But it really is a great way to organize things like:
recipes--Monster cookies
ideas for (obviously in the future) kiddos--Cute halloween pic idea
holidays--adorable tiny halloween pumpkin!
and favorite places--Oklahoma t-shirt!

Ok, anyone intrigued?  If you want to join, leave your email in the comments, or send your email to my email ( and I'll send you an invitation!  Just let me know that you've joined so I can follow you!

Sorry this post isn't more exciting!  Trying to decide what else I should post about.  Let me know if you've got any genius suggestions of things you'd like to read about!  And thanks for reading!

Friday, August 26, 2011

A walk down memory lane!

So about 6 months ago, I brought several boxes of memorabilia, stuffed animals, etc. from my parents' house to my apartment in Memphis.  My parents, Katie, and one of my mom's college friends came to visit last weekend, so I cleaned out the guest bedroom.  This is where all the stuff I've brought back has been stored. 

Several days last week, I got out a box of my old notes, cards, etc.  I don't know that I've laughed that much or cried that hard in a long time.  It was SO good for my soul.  So many notes from high school friends (mostly from my friend Monifa (a.k.a. Polly)) that included code names for guys.  Some of them I remembered who the name was code for, some of them I could infer from context clues, and some, I had no earthly idea!  One of the notes said something about how I moved from guy to guy so fast my friend couldn't keep up.  I laughed, because it was so true!  I ususally had a crush on multiple boys at one time.  There were several notes from my parents and friends when I moved to college that made me cry, notes from the night of my sorority initiation that warmed my heart, and so many more.  I even found stuff that I colored when I was in elementary school, and all of my old report cards.  I have loved reading through them all!  Also, recently, my church in Memphis did a series on parenting, and being present in your children's lives.  One of the things they talked about the most was that you only have about 7000 days with your child from birth to age 18, when they will hopefully move out.  I feel so so so very grateful that my childhood & teenage years were filled with so many wonderful experiences.  Not to say that all of them were positive, but they were all life-changing and a growing experience.  I am so thankful for WONDERFUL family & friends throughout my life, especially during those very formative years!

Not to mention, I've been working on typing up a ton of my grandmother's (Mimi's) recipes to make into a cookbook for my mom and 2 aunts, and this makes me emotional anyway.  Seeing her handwriting, names of people my mom grew up with, etc.  My sweet Mimi passed away when I was 8 and my sister was 6.  Katie really has very few memories of her, and it makes me so sad.  She was a wonderful grandmother and I miss her all the time.

I apologize for the sappy post.  Just wanted to state how grateful I am for wonderful friends and great memories!  Can't wait to make so many more in the future!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Funny patient/ Memphis stories

So I just had to share this because it's too funny not to!  I was seeing a patient last Friday morning that was a follow up from some trauma.  That means he was a new patient to the dental school, and his mom had to fill out paperwork.  Our medical history sheet asks 3 questions about allergies:  "Is your child allergic to any medications?  Is your child allergic to latex?  Does your child have any other allergies?"  So the mom answers the first 2 questions just fine.  On the last question, there is a blank space to write in anything the child is allergic to.  This mother checked that, yes, her child was allergic to something, and then, on the line for more information, wrote "Strimp".  I can only assume she meant shrimp.  I am unsure as to whether she thinks the word is actually "strimp" or whether she didn't know how to spell it. Either way, hilarious!  I marked out the patient's name on the sheet, highlighted "strimp," and hung it up on the wall in the resident room.  We're going to start putting ridiculous things on the wall and calling it the "Wall of Shame."  It was the highlight of my day!

Story #2:  I showed my attending doctor the medical history that I thought was so funny.  He then told me a story about a patient that was talking about "squirrel" ice in vanilla and chocolate ice cream together.  Also known as swirl ice cream.  Yes, squirrel.  Funny, huh?

#3: One of the assistants at the school says so many words funny.  I told her I had burned my hand, and she asked me if I put any "neosperm" (neosporin) on it.  And she was talking to one of the other residents who was pregnant and asked if she was going to be getting an "epiderm." (epidural) It's as if she thinks if she starts out the words in the correct way, people will know what she means even if she doesn't say it correctly.  It cracks me up.  And I love this lady.  She's hilarious, and she and I banter back and forth all the time.

That's all that come to mind right now.  I'm sure I will have more to post about as the year goes on!  Stay tuned, and thanks for reading!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

ABC's of Moi!!

Ambition: To be a wonderful wife and mommy someday, and be an amazing pediatric dentist!

Bad Habit: Uhh, maybe driving too fast? And being impatient while driving, especially in Memphis!

City: Memphis right now, but will be Northwest Arkansas in a little over a year!!  Can't wait to get back close to home!

Drink: Lots of water these days, but Diet Dr Pepper or Sonic Diet Cherry Limeade are my favs!!

Education: I've got a Bachelor of Science, a Doctor of Dental Surgery, and in about a year, a certificate in Pediatric Dentistry

Food:  Pasta of any sort (esp homemade mac n cheese), Pizza, really anything unhealthy! :)

Guilty Pleasure: Good wine, regular Dr. Pepper (rarely indulge in this one!), fattening foods, I could go on and on!

Hometown: Fort Smith, Arkansas

Ice Cream:  Dulce de leche has changed my life, but I really like any kind!!

Jonesing for: a return trip to Mexico for more relaxing, eating, and drinking!

Kryptonite: Not really sure what this means? 

Look-a-like: No one ever really tells me I look like anyone, except maybe my sister.

Movie: Notting Hill, Pretty Woman, Runaway Bride, The Holiday, any chick flicks!

Nickname: Em, Google, Ermily, Emmy, Euma, Emly, Fourmy, Forminator, Forms

Obsession: Teeth, I guess?!  And lately, working out & eating healthy!

Perfume: anything I have samples of!  haven't bought any in forever!

Quirk: I don't like most condiments- honey, ketchup, syrup, jelly/jam

Regret: Nada...really, can't think of any off the top of my head

Starbucks: Skinny caramel latte, or any of the skinny frappuccinos

Thrift Find of the Year: haven't done any thrift store shopping lately

University: Oklahoma State!  Go POKES!

Vacation:  Playa del Carmen, Mexico!  Or Creede, Colorado...or really anywhere with my family!

Wine: Si, loves it!

X: a little unsure how to answer this...

Years: 28

Zen: laying on the beach in Mexico, listening to the waves, with a drink in hand!

Monday, May 16, 2011

2 posts in 1 evening!

What in the world is going on!?  I'm now making a second blog post in one night.  This one will not be as lengthy, but hopefully will be a little more entertaining than the last one.  Here ya go, please enjoy!!

I laughed out loud when I saw this on facebook!  Some of the cartoon characters have been altered just slightly, but I still think it is just hilarious!  And, just to be clear, I did love the royal wedding, did DVR it, and did watch every last second! 

Long time, no see!

So I've totally forgotten that I have a blog!  And when I remember today, and checked it, I had 2 new comments I didn't even know were there, and they were left several months ago!  Woohoo!  At least I know I've got a reader or two!  As far as school goes, I'm on a rotation right now for my residency, so the living is easy. 

I've had a lot of people ask if I've been safe in the flooding.  I actually live very close to the river, and it was CRAZY high.  Way way way higher than I've seen it in the 5 years I've lived here.  Here are a few pictures (neither of which I took...I borrowed them from facebook friends!):

This sidewalk is probably 6 inches to a foot from the road where everyone drives into and out of the area where I live!  And you can see how close the water is to the sidewalk!

And this used to be a parking lot.  This picture was actually taken probably at least a week before the river crested, so the water got a lot higher.  At it's highest point, you could not see any of the pavement or bricks that you can see in this picture.  It's all still under water right now.

However, those pictures and all the bad news about the water to say that, I am fine, and so is my apartment.  I did not have to evacuate, thank goodness.  I was putting a suitcase in my trunk every day when I left for clinic so that I would have what I needed in case I could not get back home after clinic.  It was pretty crazy, and honestly pretty cool to say I lived here when such historic flooding occured.

As for other exciting things going on in my life, I'm driving to Fort Smith on Thursday.  On Friday, my parents and I are heading to Tulsa to pick up my gimpy little sister, Katie.  (She broke her foot a little over a week ago and is in a walking boot with crutches!)  Then we're driving to Colorado on Friday!  I'm so so so excited for family vacation!  However, this trip will require me to pack winter clothes as the place we're going is expecting snow this week! EEK!  But it will be a great, relaxing, wonderful time with my precious family. 

I guess that's all for right now.  Sorry it was not more exciting.  I will work on being more exciting & fun with the blog posts!  Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave a comment!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

My first post!!

So I used to use Xanga back in the day when that was cool, and I actually really enjoyed it.  And I am an awesome blog stalker, so I figured I might as well start my own blog here!  Woohoo!  Not honestly sure what I'll blog about but I'm sure I'll find something.  Maybe food?  I'm a big fan of food!  Or maybe crazy patient stories from my residency!?  Who knows.  Stay tuned! :)